01/02/1951-CC-Minutes-RegularJANUARY 2, 1951 PURCHASE AN AMP METER FOR LINE WORK i' i:„oa'l %a. ('T) .,pl;0 n2110i [l[Lrll17,oCeoo1')GCi o > ); L•.GO Il],_,.(,C' I?1C'l,l.o_Y1 G.,.y L1VO 02a _ `lao (:Ill)1_otree; C" r ;C)CC)Yed ;i1,e 1110 i :1.OYl Ot,.1OY) C"r'C':LE'C[ C,?zeX' IS0000G( A 110 r, l_o1n c 3.r. i_c)A Sots , OC'E';;en-dc. t,^ere I'a,',"Ok' !3t _. _C'y, Ca;)U1]Cl.:l.?i]C YJ. ( 00(")(Y y ?:).Y-' t.'i,i y 1T; 11?) ,0'11 .rld ce C' o ✓olZ1nC '1 e rt aC l.() !C)QE .a ; i ,'l,(1® t," t1 0 tp Y111(,t11CIto 11 O"n rL (7 1n` F ,a.11_ [)J.1_l., L r1C, 110 1.( Y.1 C :f,' ed 0 117.:], s Z^7fl l W t )'e, exceot tor)rl of ; 140 00 :1nclu(led I Tl Go1,,b 13111. Cooper 111< c10 t,b.e tt1o`L;l_oln 110`to [)' ;!' ''alb 141T11 t( „1.00900 Omer ioeoY)C-'.C1 t1'1.0 111ost',:j_0I'l c<`'f +1 1e0 Coore)(:tn tnr3(1c 'r,ln.e ;noi-a.oin l,o , ; 1111 7t1aT) 1'c)•i',o:r 1,or' 1,-1_yn.c-, 1,''or'1:r ' C?cselee' ,sr-;cr)Yle(1 o I c) Y ) c, > L' t ° t, e Is 0r C)C Ulm C _trjr CioL111C1n1_ utel, fit aC(l (3(','?J,o ), oil, t,vIC-) c,E)o () dt"-Ist,C` o ' 10(7f 7Y'C iC)ln[, t'7C.oe .'-i:? yo r' B,cil.:1 e y y C,`om)(,1.7 mice(1 C%oopE;,'C'y ' 1:r),l,r)1)1L,]l.y C1cC)x y el!lo ',oY1 <np)(i Sr)t"-['jT1sts Tile It10'L',`Iola eV''(3 Ill%C{lP by Roy i=,1)i"F1t l,y L,ll.i.ta C,1').(. U1,,7 `1C,CC)1')"C, '[ :1C, C'O Y1,`11;7,nY7 i, 1 ? I170 { 1,.OY) ® lvlot l.,oin C' L Y'1_C( r7'ilo J(lo G'1.0'Yl. ^7c'.,`. 111" (_IC; b" l o \T J ).0 , , "l, Li'1.23 1, st"O3 Ciovunc'il tn''o111.ote Rojc)s 'ie)(Iceosoo r,s CJ 1. t,-v E''Tectl l,e (?11 t1.Y1C% rl-"I_1^c) ¢i I I t"lIl'7l Gtl `G0 1 1.7 1_ G .0 `1C le t,l,).() k l O.Y1i, Chisvpmii seconed liT _C) 1110 i., l on. of ?_r).11 C('Lj Y'1-C;(i.m l"'7,,'M) no l<`?.t1).C)r b I tt3, F,C) ",I,C,C'Ylr3 'Goy cooDe'Jo lit'Ci(, 'tb'(-'. 111)G10ln L,Q L, I I ,ryp,1)),'I?. C't "Cole) C)C1 [',i'1(-,N 11)o f;"IoIo Ci ? Jr, i