02/05/1951-CC-Minutes-Regular FEBRUARY 5, 1951 The City Council met in regular session on the above date®.Those •present were Mayor Bailey, Counclmmn'Acker, Cooper, Spratt and Chapman® The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted by the Council. A Street Sweeper was demstated by the Sargent &;"Sowell go. from Grand Prairie, Texas. It was priced at 1,635.00. The mon'Uhley bills were read. Spatt made a mo ionto pay all bills. Cooper seconed the motion. Motion carried® Coo -per made a motion to transfer the money left in the Fire Truck Fund, over to the Light Fund® Acker seconed the motion. Motion carried. After a bill was read from the Saxet & Co®, Mr Chapman made a motion to send a check in the amount of 1,250.00 for payment in fu11 of this account, according to a agreement made between Mr W. P. Brooks, who then' worked for Saxet & Co., and the City Council of Sanger, Texas. Mr Acker seconed "-the motion* notion carried® 'Vi I h no father 'pusniss to attend to, Spf'att made a motion to ad jurn, Chapman seconed it. Motion parried.VI V Mayor _ Sec