02/19/1951-CC-Minutes-RegularFEBRUARY. 19, 1951 The City Council met in regulrr session on the above date. Z hose present were 'WIaSTor Bailey, Counclmen Cooper, `jpratt, Ch- pman, :end llcker. The minutes of the previous rneet9_ng were read and accepted by t% e council. The first busness to attend to was the adoption of an election ordinance, for the purpose of calling an election to be he7_d on the first Tuesday in April, that day being P_pril 3, 1951., caused by the expiration of the terms of Councilmen H.'D. Coopper, ftoy Spratt, the reg t i_on of J. P® iiampton, and 'ayox° H. 13, Bailey. This ordinance vv .s made possible by a motion made by lioy Spratt and seconed b j H. D. Coopers Alson included in t1 3_s motion was that L. L. N[c+`sill be appoi_nteda as Election Judge. _ r An election is hereby called to be held in the City hall of the Vity of Sanger, Texas, on the first Tuesday in April 1951, same being the 3rd day of Apri3 nor the purpose of electing a " ayor and three Councilmen, same being IVt zyor B,_,.iley, Counclmen Cooper, Spratt and J. p. Hampton vaho resigned, the rest caused by the experr tion of their terms. All ca.nid ,tes e ho wish to run in the comrrii.ng election must have they r name ubrni tied f,o the City Sec. on ar before f arch , 1951. The notice is to be put i.n the locra.l p^.per. Acker m ,.de the motion to have ja.yor Bailey and C C Carter chec' vaith the County ttorney in regards to the counstable job .for this prer.int }8. Cooper seconed the motion. It otion carried. Cooper m de the motion to rG.ise the City Employees pa.y in the amount of '10.00 per month, a.f±:ective a of Feb. 15, 1951. This includes Anderson, B tis, V-3ughan, Hampton, Scoggins and Ready. Acker seconed the motion. ` "otion carried. ls'itli na' fa.ther business to attend to Cc ope:r made the motion to- djurn. Ackc;r seconed it. otion c?rrie . I i ay o Sec