03/05/1951-CC-Minutes-RegularMarch 5, 1951 `the City Counc:tl met in regular sess3_on on the above date® 'Those present v rere Mayor 3ailey, `'ouncilmen Cooper, .cl er, ` pratt and Chapman. 7ohn L 'ullivan met w.tl1 'che Councilto discuss the Saxet Co. problem a,nd ti .e lot owned b,,% Mrs George Hughes. 1:t'ter much discussion Sr , att mad® the motion to `"'„' give Mc s Ii , hes and. Mrs hughes and Mrs Ella Warren 4 G50.00 each io.t their lots. Coo er seconed 'che motion. i rotion carr3.ed® Cooper made the motion to have Mr Du f' o the Sa.xet Co. meot wF,h the Cov. acil Nl- .rch .1 , 1q5 . l cl er seconed the motian. 1°jotion carried® 7'he minutes o the previous nleetinra were read and accepted. by the Council. :lhe monthley dills were read®.Cooper ma..d.e a motionto -pay all bi11s. nrs,tt seconed. 'the Z otian. Motion. carried® Mayor, sec. Ma_ ch lq, 1g51 'm('he City Coua .cil me'c in. 'regular session on the abo re date. those r resent Caere Mayor pai.ley, Councilmen. Cooker, ` c er, pratt and. Chaprna.n. Mr Tuff 'ram the a,xet Ca. and his 1a.wer, Mr .ea.son.over, met with the the council 'to discuss t'rte Hill presented. 'ca the C _ty b,; .xet a.nd Ca. ' 'ter much discussion., a checl was gi ven 'to T ir poi . rnade payable to O .xet and Ca. .n the amount o ' 1,250.00 'or 1as t and 'in .l payment for worl done at r lant by this Co. Arecei t was given 'to the City b ' llais Co® cZep. Pram 13rig„s® °leaver Co. of Belli n the City a _pump 1, 90.00 ior. the pump and to wait until nel:t n e t-i n ; motion did not carry. met wi tb. tlae Council to discuss nossi'alities nor the well at plant. Their 7r.ce was ti -0 3. 0 or insta,lt3..on Coaper made a mo t:i_on co decade on punn deal. Chairman. seconed.® S-, ra tt made motion .to buy t; e pump at a cost ai ?1,990.00 anal instal' ion. cost at . P40 ,o50® Coo er seconed tl:te motion, Nlation c ^.r:r i ed® `l_ne m'i notes off` the areviozzs meeting were read aa2d ar,cep ted b y the Council. Coo-_raer macZe a motion to ad, urn. C ratt seconed it® Motion carried. _ !! .yar;` Sdc®