03/19/1951-CC-Minutes-RegularMARCH 19, 1951 'S'ln,e C %y Cota.ncil met in. re ;ular sessi-on on th.e abo re date. l"hose nrese:nt were Mayor a i.ley, Councilmen. Coo_r er, cYer, 5nratt and Chapman. Mr Duff :from the SAXET COMPANY a.nd. his la.wer, M r Zea.sonover, met w:t t1 . the the council to disettss the pill_ presented to th.e City b,y a, et and, Coo " S'ter much discus i on, a checl was liven 'co lr u i made payable to Caxet anal Co® .n the amount of ¢1,250®00 'or la.s L anal :E'in.al payment for wank done a.t r lan.t by Lhis Coa A recei-o , arras :i.ven o tine Ci'cy b ' Tb.is Co® BRIGGS-WEAVER COMPANY PUMP FOR WELL AT PLANT