04/02/1951-CC-Minutes-RegularApril 2, 1951 MR. MCSWADEN GETTING LIGHTS TO HIS FARM HOUSE ON THE DAVIS PLACE MCSWADEN WILL PAY FOR HALF THE COST DISPOSAL PLANT TEXAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES LIABILITY INSURANCE CITY EQUIPMENT RAISING THE DEPOSIT ON BUSINESS HOUSES TO $10 RES $6.00 AND THE WATER STAY AT $3.00 Councilmen .C - r< -L-t, Cao er, Cha rnan and r l cwaden from Denton met with the council loses about ;e tt-i n, li ;h t to Pais fa,r n houc e n the Dav_i.s dace® I fte:c muc1 discussion it was a .reed on to build the line and. Mo awad en will p .y or half of the cost Cooper made the ina tion. for _ Lr to vet in touch with with the Denton engineer and have him look over our Disposs.l Plc .nt and recommend a reliable Co® to fix it up® C oratt seconed 'she mot-i on® a` otion car- i ed® he monthley bills were read® Cooper m ,.de th© moti.on to ^,y all hill. ' Cker SC CanP,d it, 1-`t10'G7_ai`l C `.rf l c-:d. Coor er made a motionto write 'che i e. ..s f,es, ue of unicipn,lities in regards to Liability Insurance, on City ecalxiprnent and if t .e Ci'cy would be li< .bl in case of an accident, - e _ C =1 should a sus,t be f.i1 .d against the City® >=ors.t-t ,seconed -t'n.e motion.® roi,,_on carried® r pratt ma,cle the m 'r,ion to raise the De asit on T3us .ness Houses to ; 10®00 yes® ®00 ,^nd the water stay i,he same a.t 4r3®00® Coo er seconed the motion. Carried® Edith no fa.t i r business to a'ctend to' _ clxer i ade a motion -fro adjure.. C ratt seconed it® h otion carr _ed.® ayor sec® 1 pril 16, 1g51 'the City Council met in regular session an. 'clue above date® 'Those laresent were 1 ayor Bailey, Councilmen Cooper, Cpratt, L'erry and '.eker. County attorney ruler anal l `':r 1 1undly met vrith the council. hack Perry was swore in as> councilmen by the mayor® Mr w' `ilder met with `the council to discuss the constable job for C C Carter. a:te:r much d.i scussion, 'lr Acker ma.d.e th.e motion to work wi t1 the county in hiring Carter for the Cons'ca.ble job® . petition ti i 11. be passed a.roun.d for the citizens of an er to sign® the county will pay Ca,r'cer 1 5®00 and_ 'the City o. : an`,er will Pay ;;>l ®00® Cao=per seconed. the motion® i iotion ca.r.c°ied. Mr l Tundley met vr:i_th the Council in rega..rd.s o the raise in rates on the to .ephone system. the ,oropsed rates were a.s follows s ; .00 Busy ® 3 ® 0 des. ®7 four p, rty line 3.00 rual line®1® ea 'censi.. n® i 7un.dley s<n.id t'_ ,a.t Wailes of ru a1, line would, be str .rted em . . 7.aty ,,fter -Gho improvrnent ha.d. had, been completed in ' 1.1e Ciity® 'he rest of t;a.e ru:ca.l 7..ines vroul d be com® rleted vr:i. ( hin a period of 3 y:rs® r 'he ra.isd asked for by l undley rill a rota effect 1 rr aunth after the l n.-r : ovmen ts a.r e corn le ted in ,he Ci ' .,ya 1:_Cter muah discussion the cauncaal divided to wai'1 until ,laril 3®, q51 to give Yundley a.n a.nswer a.t a. ca _1 n ee' ingm i h no fa.f ther busi. s to at r,end to- c r4; r zaade . motion 'to a,d ji,?rn. Cooy° er secor .ed a_t® Carried.®