04/16/1951-CC-Minutes-RegularApril 16, 1951 .ra,yor Sec. the City Council met in. re ula.r session on Ll e above date. those present were Mayar:3ailey, Councilmen Cooper, S U.ra.tt, terry and Acker. County Attorney '111ler and llr Nundly met with the council. Jack Perry was swore in as councilmen by the Mayor® Mr `V' zilder met with the council tb discuss the constable job for C C Carter. After much discussion., N'ir Acker made the motion to work with the county in hiring Carter for the Constable job. A. petition will be passed around for the citizens of ganger to sign. The county will Day Carter t 125.00 and the City of SANGER will pay $125.00. Cooper seconed, the motion. otion ca.r.ried.. her MR Nundley met with the Council an regards -to the raise an rates on the TELEPHONE system. the propsed rates wrere as followst ; e00 Bus. 3.50 Res. 2.75 four party line$3.00 rual line $1.25 extensi6n. Nundley s<naid fj'_n.-t 4 miles of .rural line would, be started emiddl,aty after the improvrnent had had been completed in the Clay. The rest of the rural lines would, be com pleted within a, period. of 3 yrs. The raisd asked for by Aundley will go into effect 1 rnounth after the amprovments are eom-oleted inthe Ci ,y. After much discussion the council dicaded 'co wait until-°,yoril 30, 1951 to give Nundley an answer at a call meeting. J41th no fatther bus"I . s -to attend t,o Ack _,r i ade a motion to ad jurn. Cooper seconed it. Carried,