04/23/1951-CC-Minutes-SpecialAPRIL 23, 1951 NEW ADDITION IN THE NW PART OF TOWN HIRE AN ENGINEER TO PROVIDE AN ESTIMATE ON THE WATER AND SEWER COST TO THE NEW ADDITION uncil rnet at a Call IIII-eetlag on the above d .tee 'Those present were 1' 't +yo.Y P,` i_ley, 'O11Y]C l_l i11en ^)Ora'i Acker, Chapi)ion, Cooper an d. Perry® ]'hi s mec Ling was c L.j,.ed to discuss t1ar; new cdit:i.on In, e 1 riV p .rt of town® After much discuscO.on 31-)r ,tt ann,de a inotlon to hare an enpuneer -O si..ve the Ci_',y anc+estianate on the water and sewer cost to the new ad-d._0tion® `cker seconed t,l_ e motion® Motion Carr iOl. Na. y c I 30, 1 CeC J_. ':I'he City Co .lnci_ met at a. ca1.1_ meeting o n. the j,bove dat,e 'i„nose -Oreseot were. ayor Bai.l.ey, , Coulfv.], i r,ien, Chhpman, _' Ol; er, P erry aad. Cooper® I"n ,c; meet i.n : was ca.ml_lec+. in reg^ t,o tl .e t,ele-o ooe raise®Clrnan iria:de ?. motion ' o d.i_<cus : this raise ^, to:c, tl e improvinent ta.ad been coinpl eted In =a i er and that the teje-t):>one Co ® had proved to the cii,i lens that they wi 11_ and 1_ a.ad. give them bet, ,er service® Cogie r seconed. the itiotion. vot3aon c ,.r°r i.ec7® rich n fo,ut er b-usi.ness %O clscuss' 1C?ce'C made i:, "1 1210"Gi_OY1 LI t;,dJLli"n, c000er seCOned it,® "`pi;l0i.7 C 1r1 :I_ed® :: - . - 3 • : = . • • h • and Perry. The minutes of the preevious meeting were read an acc • • The monthley bills were read by the Sec. Spratt made a notion i •'. bills. Acker i `i •carried. Xith no fauther business to attend to, Cooper made ax motion to