04/30/1951-CC-Minutes-SpecialAPRIL 30, 1951 'he City CoLtlncll nisi at a. cal l rleet n on th.e hove d.a.te ® lhosc; ore selnt were Mi'a.yor Ba ji,ley, CounrJ l.r,Yen Chi),pman, A eker, Berry And COO-oer® Th.l o mee <j-nrr, wtrI1 S Called In r: mn,rd S i:0 theTELEPHONE RAISE raise ®Chpnan 111ade a 111o'1;1011 to d.l_SCL?scs "ft1J S raise a,T ter the i_nip:c°ovinent:s had been coin-oleted 7n and that the tele,)hone Floe had proved to 'I.-.e c-i.tozens l,'r1a'c they wl_1l_ and had ive them better service., Cop 7e G' SE Coned. "I;11e liloti_On® O'Gl_01n C .rr i.ed® ('`I t11 Inn :C2-uther bu)Ss,IneSS :O aIr.cussc et' 1TYad.e the 1?1o't'J011 -)o t.d Llrn, Coo-oer se coned _i_t® t`otjlon c,n rr'i_ed, o r. ;wee -,^ G 1. • • : 2 P • -X • • M • ^.0 U opt 44 • ind Perry. The minutes of the preevious meeting were read and acc epted. The monthley bills were read by the See. Spratt made a notion to, With no fauther business to attend too Cooper made am motion t adjurne SprattC • '.• it. Motione•, i