06/04/1951-CC-Minutes-RegularJUNE 4, 1951 MINUTES MONTHLY BILLS . present were 2,.,< Baileys Councilmen Coopers <, , .\_,.., rry and Acker* The el a \ ,.-\\.\. \\! »;:# ! and accepted, rhe -;- bills were »a=:. Cooper made ! motion to »»* all pratt :_:,<# it. Motion carried. Ha7o Sec, 2 = < ., < *< ©,_•<£#» -., ,» . ^ ! „ , ,_ ». 2 ,<# , «»»= 2,-, #__*.,y< : . ..,.a». .,»!< •° », ? a,.. »_ minutesThe of the ,<-«:,:< meetin- were »a». and accepted. Chapman <» < <, ,» <»,» © . $< .$$ <^_:_<,°. }» t». :< ,»» ..,# .. . ...... 22.a. . . ... transformer ..... part .f the line going . his 4+ „ on the Boiivar line. Acker -#:w:,° the motion. Motion carried. Spratt .a.» _ »,<2.n to ■!. »-ee<& \ ch■?s the s e@,$■ due .hem carried. Cooper made ! motionto cut .2 all persons «.< bill is a -<:»:tn< on the first of each «,««2 following the • zz° >#:.»_ the motion. Motion withdrawn.^_»» 4? business .. attend to, 9pratt,made i m,<<■» to _: &?« _:,«_. it. Motion carried.