06/18/1951-CC-Minutes-RegularJUNE 18, 1951 MINUTES APPROVED PA HERBERT HICK $25.00 THE TRANSFORMER AND HIS PART OF THE LINE GOING TO HIS HOURS ON THE BOLIVER LING FREEZE & NICHOLS THE $400.00 DUE FOR ENGINEERING WORK 0911FLIMLY 1RUO: 3 • on above ♦Those present t • Baileyo Councilmen• • • 'r$ Spratto ChapmanoPerry and Acker. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted. The monthley bills were read. Cooper made a motion to pay all bills, Spratt seconed it* Motion carried, May®r Sec. The minutes of the previous meetin were read and accepted. Chapman • - a motionto pay Hebert• • 3 • ti _ and his part of the line going to his h6use on the Boi1var line. Acker seconed the motion. Motion carried. ' pratt made a motion to pay Freeze & Nichols the $400-00 due them carried. Cooper made a motion to cut off all persons whose bill is delinquent on of each •nth followingAcker seconed the motion. • R • business - • attend • 9pratt,made a motion to adj rn. Acker seconed it. Motion carried. Mayor "5®c®