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07/03/1951-CC-Minutes-SpecialJuly 3, 1951 Call Meeting ting The City Council met at a ca11 meeon the above date. Those present were Nlayor Bailey, Councilmen Cooper, Spy'att, Acker, perry and Chapman. The purpose of this meeting was to decided on what Maintaner to bVy. After much discussion, Acker madE the motion to buy the ALLIS CHAMBLER machine from the Shaw Equipment Co. for $49322,50. Chapman seconed the motion. Motion car:)ied.Cooper made a motion to adjure. Chalmnan seconed it. Carried. Mayor Sec. July 16, 1951 The City Council met n regular session on the above dat®. Those present were Mayor Bailey, Councilmen Spratt, Cooper' Acker and Chapman. Mr Acker made the motion to hire Mr J. B. Saylors from Gainesville to audit the Books. Cooper seconed the Motion. Motion carried. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted by the council. The water line ruhning to the Gin was discussed. With no fauther business to attend to, Cooper made a motion to adjurn. Acker seconed it. Carried. Mr Saylors price for the Audit is 1 300.00. Mayor Sec.