08/20/1951-CC-Minutes-RegularAug. 20, 1951 The City Council met in regular session on the above date. Those present were Mayor Bailey Councilmen Cooper, Spratt, Acker, Perry and Chapman. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted by the Council. Mr Nundley met with the council in regards to a raise in rates on the TELEPHONE system here in Sanger, After much discussion on the subject, the motion was made by Mr Acker to give the Sanger Telephone Co. a raise in rates which were as follows: $4,50Business 3.00 Res. 1.50 For move 1.50 Installation Fee 1.25 Ext. Business 1000 Ext. Res. 7.50 Plug in system 2.75 Party Line 3.00 Rural with the understanding and agreement that Sanger Telephone Co. will start on construction of Rural lines on Jan. 1, 1952 as agreed tqKKX upon between Sanger Telephone Co. and the City Council, which includes the considerations or unforeseen difficulties such as ice storms ect.. In case of unfullfillment of agreement as planed, the rates are to be reduced back to the Aug. 1951 Rates. I"Ir Spratt seconed the motion. Motion carried. Willie GAMBELL met with the Council to see about working for the City on part or full time employment as electrician. It was agreed on by the council that he may help Ross Anderson at any time RoSs may nee(.]. him. The Council.l agreed to give Red C_I,les at Denton, $100.00 for the fan at the plant. Acker made motion to adjurn. Cooper seconed it. Carried. 1 Iayor See,