09/19/1951-CC-Minutes-SpecialSept. 19' 1951 CALLED MEETING The City Council met at a call meeting on the above date. Those present we're Roy SPRATT EM ACKER and C R Chapman. Mr Gambill met witri the Council in regards to the'job he has applyed for, but due to the absents of the Mayor and twO councilmen., it was agreed to wait until a later date to decid.d on this matter. The next thing to come up was wheather or not to hire Mr Saylor to bring the Tax moll up to date. After much discussion Roy Spratt made the motion to hire Mr Saylor to bring the tax Roll up to date, make out statments for all delquent taxes, address and seal,the envelopes. The City will furnish the stamps and envolopes. Iiis price for this job is $550,00, Chapman seconed the motion. Motion carried. With. no father business to attend to, Spratt made a motion to adjurn. Acker seconed it. Carried MAYOR SMG0