10/01/1951-CC-Minutes-RegularOct 1, 1951 The City Council met in regular session.t}. on the above date® 'Those Mayor Bailey, bou.ncilmen Cooper, Spratt, Acker, Chapman and Perry® The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted by the present were COUNCIL It was again discussed wheather or not to bier vvillie Gambill. as City Manager. After much discussion, Cooper made the _motion XX Not to hire Gambill® Spratt seconed the motion :Motion carried® u The monthley bills were with the exceptions of he a(had settled his Motion. carried. With no motion to adjure Acker read® Chapman made the motion. to pay all T® hid McDaniel bill® This was to be paid account with the City® Cooperseconed the father - business to attend to, Cooper seconed it® Cz irried® CALTA'LF ET I NG Mayor Sec® bills after motion. made a The City Council met at a call meeting on the above date® Those present were mayor Bailey, Cov.ncilmen Perry, Acker, Spratt, Cooper and Chapman® The Council met to open the Bids received for 1000 ft. of fire hose® The Bids were as following® BI®L atrial Rose Co® 60 to 90 days 1*62 Viking Supply Co® 30 days delivery l®68m1®70 lo80®1®85 trlell. MRchinery & Supply Co® 11_ to 6 wks® delivery 1®70-1®67 Fleck and Co® 10 days delivery 1.65 less 20% Becker Fire Eq. Co® 5 days delivery l®56®l®78 4e 97 After much. discussion Cooper made the motion to buy 1000 ft® of treated Cracker jack brand ft_re hose at l®85 pe ft® less ®26Siper ft® less 3jo discount if paid XX within 10 d s® The delivery will be within 30 days from time order was signed® Acker seconed the motion® Motion carried® With no father business to attend to, Spratt.made the motion to adjurn, Acker seconed it® Motion. carried® M ayor Sec® OcL15, 1951 The City Council met in regular session on the above datep Those present were Mayor Bailey, Counclemen Acker, Spratt, Perry, Chapman and Cooper® The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted by the council. Cooper explained. the trash disposal situation and. what the committee he Nis on is trying to do to improve it and the committee is asking the help of the City Council, After much discussion, Mr Acker made a motion to cooprate with the committee in every way possible, Perry seconed. the Motion. Carried® It was agreed on to pay Roy Baker (10.00 more per month and not give him his days off. With no fati.ther business to attend to Cooper made a motion to ad.jurn® Acker seconed it. Carried® Mayor_ Sep® - ` _