10/15/1951-CC-Minutes-RegularOct. 15, 1951 The City Council met in regular session on the above dateep Those present were Mayor Bailey, Cou.nclemen Acker, Spratt, Perry, Chapman and Cooper. The minutes of the previous meeting were .read and accepted by the council. Cooper explained the trash disposal situation and what the committee he Nis on is trying to do to improve it and. the committee is asking the help of the City Council. After much discussion, Mr Acker made a motion to cooprate with the committee in every way possible. Perry seconed. the Motion, CarrAed. It was agreed on to pay Roy Baker $10.00 more per month. and not give him his days off. With no fauther business to attend to Coon_er made a motion to adju.rn. Acker seconed it. Carried, Mayor