10/10/1951-CC-Minutes-SpecialOCTOBER 10, 1951 CALL I2FrT I NG The City Council met at a ca11 meeting on the above date® Those were MAYOR Bailey, Councilmen Perry, Acker, Spratt, Cooper and The Council met to open the Bids received for 1000 ft. of fire The Bids were as following BI LATERIAL HOSE CO 60 to 90 days Viking Supply Co. 30 days delivery WELL Machinery & Supply Co 11_ to 6 wks® delivery Fleck and Co 10 days delivery Becker Fire Eq. Co® 5 days delivery After much discussion Cooper made the motion to buy 1000 ft® of treated Crackerjack brand fire hose at1®85 pe ft® less ®26 iper ft® less 3jo discount if paid XK within 10 dyys. The delivery will be within 30 days from time order was signed® Acker seconed the motion® Motion carried® With no father business to attend to, Spra.tt.made the motion to adjurn, Acker seconed it Motion carried Mayor Sec®