11/05/1951-CC-Minutes-RegularNov. 5, 1951 The City Col!ncJ11 met in regular session;, on the .above date. Those present were Mayor Bailey, Councilmen Acker, Spratt, Chapman, Cooper and Perry. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted by the council. The Audit Report for 1950 and 1951 was read by the Sec. The monthley bills were read. Spratt made the motion to pay all bills. Cooper seconed the motion. Carried. After much. discussion, Spratt made the motion that the City pay Social Security on its employees. Acker seconed the motion. Motion carried. With no father business to attend tcy, Cooper made the motion to adjurn. Spratt seconed it. ]Motion carried. Mayor. Sec. Nov. 19, 1951 The City Council_ met .in regular se:,sion on the abo re date. 'T'hose present were Mayor BaileA Councilmen Perry, Acker., Cooper, Spra.tt and. Chapman. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and. accented. F,arl 1\Iundley met with the counc:i_1 to ask for permission to contact our holes on the Valley View Line with his telephone wires. After much dis® cussi_on Cooper made the motion to investigate this situation and let Nundley know by Nov. 26, 1951. Chapman seconed the motion. Motion -carried. n itln no father business to attend to Spratt rnad.e a .otion. to ad jurn. :Perry seconed it. Motion carried® P Iayar Sec. Th.c City Cou ncil met i_n regu.lar session on the above date. `I'hoso present wea. e I` layor I3 il.ey, Cortnci_lrnen ferry, Cooper, Chapman, Spratt and Acker. The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted. Mr Saylor met with the council to discuss the Tax Notices he is to send. out. Mr f Nundl.ey met with the council to see about con.tacting. our poles on the Valley View Li_ne. The aro.onth.]_ey bills were read. Spratt made the m.otio.n. to pay `all bills. Chapman seconed the not:ion.. Mo*ton carried. Spratt made the motion to pay one half of Andersons salary for December. Perry seconed. Motion carried. With no father business to attend to, Cooper made a motion to adjurn, Iahher seconed® Motion carried. )Mayor ;sec.