11/19/1951-CC-Minutes-RegularNovember 19, 1951 The Cl.ty Council met :in rep;ular setsion on the abo re date. Those present were Mayor Baileyl - Councilmen Perry, Acker, Cooper, Spratt and Chapman. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accented. Ti:ar1._ Nundley met with the col .nci_l to ask for permission to contact our holes on the Valley View Line with his telephone wires After much di.s® cussion Cooper made the motion to investigate this situation and let Nundley know by Nov. 26, 1951. Chapman seconed the motion. Motion carried® r ith no father business to attend to Spratt made a vn.otion to adjurn. Perry seconed it. Motion carra.ed. 1` layor Sec,