12/03/1951-CC-Minutes-RegularDecember 3, 1951 The City Cou ncil met in regular session on the above date. Those present were Mayor Bailey, Councilmen Perry, Cooper, Cbapman, Spratt and ticker. The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted. Mr Saylor met with the council to discuss the `Tax Notices he is to send out. Mr Nundley met with the council to see about contacting: our poles on the Valley View Line. The monthly bills were read. Spra.tt made the motio.n to pa.y `all bills. Chapman seconed the ,.notion. INloton carried. ti',p.ratt made the motion to pay one half of Andersons salary for December, Ferry seconed. Motion carried, With no father business to attend to, Cooper made a -m.otion to ad urn, Ahher seconed. Motion carried.