12/17/1951-CC-Minutes-RegularDecember 17, 1951 TAX ROLL AND DELIVERY OF TAX NOTICES MR SAYLOR PEARL HANCEL AGREED TO GIVE $5.00 BONUS TO ALL EMPLOYEES INSURANCE POLICY NEW PLANT TIRES OFF OF OLD MAINTAINER The Ci.ty Council met urni] s i on. on the above dated Whose present were Mayor. Bai..ley, 0 cl me1 nPerry, Spratt, Chapman, locker and Cooper, The Yidnutes of the previous na.eeti_nf)r were read and accepted by the coiznci.l® Mir Saylor met w1 th the council.. to discuss the tax roll and del® tax notices he had. been. working; on and comrPl.eteda The total bill_ for -this work was ,550®00 for labor and , 37 00 for F inl ing® Acker, rrzade the rnoti.on 'to pay Ivlr Eaylor for his work. Chapman se6)oned the motion® Carried. Mrs Pearl Hance]_ met with the cou.nci_l. to discuss an _a.nsurance po]_i_cy with. the council® nothing definate was decided on® It was agreed on to rive 505®00 Bonus 'to all ejr ]gees® Cooper rn.ad.e the rrrotio to take out the new XX insurancepolicy which VkXxWXXXKa coverage had been raised_ to take care of the new unit at the pl ant® Perry seconed the motion® 1 'foti on carried® Acker made the motion for Cooper to sell the tires off of the o]_d. maintai.ner® Chapman seconed Carried With no father business to attend. to Sp made the motion to adjurn. Acker seconed. Carried® Mayor ec®