01/07/1952-CC-Minutes-RegularJan. 7, 1952 INSURANCE FOR EMPLOYEES WATER TANK SERVICE COMPANY CLEANING PAINTING WATER TOWER Th.e City Council_ met in regu.la.r session on the above date. Those present were Mayor Dailey, Couraclmen. Perry, Chapman, Acker, Cooper and Spratt. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted by the council, The monthly 1;1.:1.11s were read. Spra_tt made a seconed. TIotior2 carrl.ed. l nsu.rance for the After )-nuch discussion, Acker made a motion suitable policy for the employees and to go ih. Spratt seconed the motion. Carrled. mo4 a.to all. billsJ'er13 on pay ® ry ernployeds was discussed again.. to have Chapman to find a ahead and elbse out the dealfor Mr Kline who is with the Ulater Tank Service cou.n.cil_ to disclrss the clea.n i_np; and I ain.tinn, for a complete job was (,!,)2, 700.00 and tl7t1_0.00 Ipf'i_tb no father business to attend to, Cooper seconed Notion carried.. `Jow of the for a made a Nlay or, co dali.as, met wi th the water tower® f1,_s xr.rice paint ,fob every 3 yrs. motion. to ad. ju.rn. Snratt