02/04/1952-CC-Minutes-RegularFEBRUARY 4, 1952 ADOPTING AN ELECTION ORDINANCE CALLING THE ELECTION FOR APRIL 1, 1952 ORDINANCE ELECTION TWO COUNCILMEN, CAUSED BY EXPIRATION OF THE TERMS OF COUNCIMEN EM ACKER AND CR CHAPMAN APPOINTING ALVIN BROWN AS FIRE CHEIF REPLACING LEROY KEMP Feb. , 1952 were • Bailey,•uncilmen Sprattp Cooper,- : s • Perry. The minubes of - previous meeting ^:• and accepted by • April,for the purpose of calling an eleation to be held on the first Tuesday in being April 1. 1952,s-• by expiration of - terms of Councilmen Acker and Councilmen Chapman. This ordinance was made possible by a motion made by Henry Cooper and seconed by Roy Spratt. Also included im this motion was that be appointed 3 •... Judge. of April for the purpose of electing two councilmen, these places caused by the expiration of the terms of Councilmen E. M. Aaker and C. R. Chapman. All canidates • wish to run in the coming election• "" their name submitted to the Ci#Y Secretary on or before March 1, 1952. The notioex is to be put in the local paper. as Fire Cheif to take the place of Leroy Kemp. Chapman seconed the motion, Motion carried!nofutherbusiness to attend to Cooper made a motionto adjurn. Acker seconed.Carried. Mayor 1 Sic.