04/09/1952-CC-Minutes-RegularAPRIL 9, 1952 VOTES OF THE APRIL 1, 1952 ELECTION WERE COUNTED PAYING FOR A TRANSFORMER OUT OF REVENUE BOND ACCOUNT EMPLOYEE RAISE . City 0 ounoil metregular session on the above date*.Those present were • Baileyo Gouncilmen, Cooper# Spratt.9 Ackerp Johnson and Perryocfte minutes • .. the previous Meeting were reaf 1. aoceptee by f' f 1. votes of the April 1, 1952 election were counted and.found to be *orrect. Spratt madeL motion A accept the votesasbeing counted a ` f listed correctley. COOPDX w; :: ♦ • ti `: ., the motion* M••1. carried* The monthly bill were y = ®.. ` f A L ` " made the motion to ► : 4. all bills. Cooper : ; c ♦ _ Motion ,. *.. Acker made mot • en. .: ♦ x for the 3 m 100 VA transformers out of the Revenue Bond Aaoo at the First Nat'l Bank Sangerg and also the repair parts to be used In the sommin-S overhaul of the fF.engine at theL r and thatremainder / be transfered to the r r he motion. Motion carriede ;. letter read to " h s Councilby the Mayor, • IY. the CitP Employesol requesting a r ♦ y of fifteendollars per month* After much discussion the City Council agreed to raise the five regular employees as requested* ..,S• E:.ei The ployees to . the . regular meeting on Aprilfor discussion* Ultr f • more business to attend to, Acker made a motion to adjurne Oooper seconee it, Motionearried. The City Council me in regular session on the abo re date. Those ppresent were Mayor Baileylj ouncilmen Cooper, Johnson, Perry and Acker, The minutes of the previous meeting were read and acewpted by the council. Ca.I „ - UI 111ELY014s • .. c and the Mayor and Council urged that all expenses be cut as much as possible in every depto of the city. Wity no fauther business to attend to Cooper made a motion to adjurn. Acker seconed it. Motion carried. Mayor Sec• May 5' 1952 :,sion on the above date. Stubbs The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted by the council, • ♦• to discuss personal taxeNKMEMN NZKKKX= He said • • not have to pay personal tax on •• After much discussion,• a! •e a motion to aceppt $25.00 as payment Pull on his personal tax through 1951. Acker seconed the motion. Motion carried. It was agreed on by the Council to discontinuB the City Ad in the •• • Cooper made a motion to get 20 per foot for the 3 inch used pipe at the Sanger Mayorplant. Johnson seconed the mbtion. Motion carried. The Bills were read. Acker made a motion to pay all bills. Cooper seconed It. Motion carried. With no fathur business' to attend to Cooper made a motion to adjurn. Perry seconed it Motion carried.