06/16/1952-CC-Minutes-RegularCouncilThe City sr session on - above date.• . re Mayor Bailey, Councilmen Cooper,!Johnson.. Acker, Spratt, and Perry. The mtnutes of previous meeting • : • and accepted by Council. Mr Heartsill ffirom Dallas met with the council to discuss the pothibilities of KHXXffX)Wa lowimrient housing project here in Sangery The council is to think over the proposition and let Mr Heartsill know somethin definite in the near future. Cooper made a motion to raise Mr Bakers salary 915.00 per month, XKXKKMKKKN)= Perry seconed it. Motion carried. With . fathur businessiK to attend• Acker made a motion to adjurn. Elooper seconed carried. JUNE 16, 1952 of the previous meeting were read and accepted by the council. motion to put a notioe in the local. paper that paid in full by the 15th day of July 1952, or Acker seconed the motion® Motion carried® With Spratt made a motion to adjurn, Cooper seconed •3 z I • • 0 r 't