07/21/1952-CC-Minutes-Regular July 21, 1952 The City Cou ncil mgt in regular session on the abo te date. Those present were Mayor Bailey, Councilmen Spratt, Cooper,Acker and Perry. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted by the council. Perry made a motion to give P. R. Cherry 125.00 for selling the City Tractor. It brought $600.00. Acker seconed the motion. Motion carried. Spratt made a motion to put Robert.Ba is in charge of all City work an raise his salary 225.00 per month, also to put Dick Ready on as a regular employee at a salary of 1215.00 per month. Perry seconed the Montioi. Motion carried. Batis pay,and Readys salary w11 start July X 15s 1952. Cooper made a motion that all.iffA M buying be done by Batis. Spratt seconed the motion. Motion carried. Cooper made a motion to adjurn Acker seconed it. Motion carried. Mayor ' SELLING TRACTOR $600.00 SALARIES