08/18/1952-CC-Minutes-RegularAug. 18, 1952 73 The City Council met in regular session on the above date. Those present were Mayor Bailey, Coucalmen Cooper, Spratt, Johnson, Acker, and Perry. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted. Acker made a motion to cut the XXaXKXjUAAAAXA Water off at the Football Field and to run an add in the paper to ask people to cut down on lawn watering and other unnecessery usage of water, also to keep the oil well NKMU trucks from hauling too. Spratt seconed the motion. Motion carried. Acker made a motion to put J. W. Scoggins in complete charge at the plant. He is to do the hireing of fireing of the operators at the plant and XZM any purchasing must go through him. Also included in this motion was to give him a 425.00 per month raise begining Aug. 15, 1952. Johnson seconed the motion. Motion carried. Cppper made a motion to b Lots Number One, Two, Three and Four in B1k. No. 6 Of the Original Town of Sanger, from J. W. Scoggings for a sum of $250900® Perry seconed the motion. Motion carried. BUY LOTS 1, 2, 3, AND 4, BLOCK 6 ORIGINAL TOWN OF SANGER Johnsen made a motion to raise B. J. Ready salary 15.00 per month, begining Aug. 15th, 1952. Perry seconed the motion. Motion carried. It was agreed on by th council to buy the two 25 RVA and one 15 KVA transformer for the Kembell Gin if they would pay a Flat Rate of 450.00 per month fbr twos=yearss..l and then they 40ould pay for what goes through th meter. The Council alsox said that the City would install the transformers if Kembell wanted to buy them and pay only for what goes through the meter. Cooper made the motion to buy 9 capactiors and 3 racks to be used on the lines. Johnson seconed the motion. Motion carried. With no more business to attend to Acker made a motion to adjurn. Cooper seconed. Motion carried. Mayor Sec.