09/02/1952-CC-Minutes-RegularAug. 18, 1952 73 'the City Council met z.n regular session on the above date. Those present were Mayor Bailey, Coucklen Cooper, Spratt, Johnson, Acker, and Perry. Sept. 2, 1952 The City Council met in regular session on the above date. The meeting was held on: this date because Sept. 1, 1952 was a holliday. Those present wereCouncilm.en Spratt, Acker and Cooper. The minutes of the previous meeting V-Tere read and accepted. dThe monthley bills were read. Spratt made the motion to pay all bills. Cooper seconed the motion. Motion carried. With no fauther business to attend to Cooper made a motion to adjurn.. Acker seconed it. Motion carried. Mayor Sec. Sept. 3, 1952 The City Council met at a call meeting on the above date. Those present were Councilmen Spratt, Cooper, Acker,aJohnson and Perry. Mr Hanrtsill, Harold Easley, Lawrence Horst, Lacy Brown and Luther McNeill were present at this meeting. Mr Acker made a. motion to buy the Check maebine for 1;20.00. Johnson seconed the motion. Motion carried. The rest of these minutes are attached.