10/20/1952-CC-Minutes-RegularOct 20, 1952 T_he C:l.ty Council met in regular session on the above date® Those present were N,'a.yor T3ai_ley, Councilmen Spratt, Cooper, Acker and Johnson.. The mi notes of the previous meeting wer. e rea_d and accepted b T the counc .l . Mr Dyer a.nd NIr George Hall of the Lone Stare Gas Co®, met with the council in rc ard_s to the raise a_n rates in Sanger, After mzxch discussion an i,he raise, Johnsan made a motion to grant the Lone Star Gas Co. the raise in rates in wh.icb 'they a.sk for. Acker, seconed. th.e Motion. P Iot3_on carried® An Ordinance fixing and determin:t_nn tbis ra:i se is attached. Acker made a motia:n to pass this ordinance® Johnson seconed. it. Motion carried® Oooper made a motion to buy eight Mecilry Vapor Street Lights. Johnson seconed the motion. 1``iotl.on carried® n7 _th na more business to attend to, /Lcl er made a. mot7_on to adjurn. Cooi cr seconed. it. IUiotion carried®. Mayor. Sec ® 1' BUY EIGHT MERCURY VAPOR STREET LIGHTS