11/03/1952-CC-Minutes-RegularNov 3, I 1952 FILM ON STREET LIGHTING BIDS FROM NELSON ELECTRIC CUMMINGS, WESTINGHOUSE AND GE BUY TWELVE WESTINGHOUSE MERCURY VAPOR STREET LIGHTS SIDEWALK ALLEY ORDINANCE OBSTRUCTION The City Council met in regular session on the above date® Those present were Mayor .Bailey, Counc _lmen Johnson, Acker, ferry, Sprott and Cooper The minutes of the pr.eviou.s meeting were read. and accepted® Mr Duffy and. Mr Carter from tnlesinghouse met with tta.e council to show n. fi_lm on St® T ,7-F7 htir g® The I id.s from Ne .son Electric, Cummins, lest i_ngh.ouse and G E® rere d: scussed® After mush discussion, Johnson made a. mot _on to boxy t;nrelve kresti.ngh.ouse Nlecury Vapor St® Light® Acker seconed® Nio tion carried® The monthley bi.11.s were read® Sprati; made a motion 'seconed_ th.e motion® otion. carried® 'Acker made a'motion to pass an Ord_in.ance making a..t Finn or Corporation to permit any property, object Street, Sid.eYaa1_k, Alleys a.nd other public property and_ providing a penalty for the Violation thereo:c"® Motion earrt.ed® The ordinance reads as follows® to }as.y a1.1 bills Cooper unlawful for any person, or ob s tru c t; i on un on the of the City of Sanger; Johnson. s©coned the mot-i on® Oft D I NA 1`ICE BF. IT OftDATND BY TI-IE CI'I'Y COUNCIL Oh, THE CITY OF SANGEI TEXAS® Sect _on 1® It shall hereafter be ranlaw ful .for any person, firm. or° corporatt.on to obstruct or encumber, to any extent, an.y pnrtion or any street, alley, s _ dewalk or nubl i c ground i n the c i ty .X X X X :X X X X X X with lumber, boxes, timber, firewood, posts, vehicles or anyth .n.g whatever in any manner whatever, Section 2® I shall. hereafter be un _awful "or any person, firm or corporatian to place any barren or barrels, box or boxes, wood, merchL nd.ise, ehi.cl e or others substances on any sidewalk in the City, so as to obstruct enta_rely or in. part passa °e along said sidewalk or any part thereof® No one shall have or maintain any fruit stand, hucksterPs stand or other stall on any sidewalk in the City of Sanger® Section 3® Wb.cre anal such objects as mentioned in Sections 1 and 2 may be found b ,- the C .ty I'farshal or reported to hiz n, it shall. be ht.s duty to notl.fy the ot ner of such objects to remove same imnrediate7..y and if such object _s not removed a_rru edia.tely ii; shah_ be the dlzt;y o.e the City l` a.r. steal to file a com plaint aga.inest t;he responsible persons or party® Sect7.on. I _® l .n, person Vi.olati.ng a,n.y of the provisions of th _s ordinance shal_1 be deemed gu3_lty o a mt.sdemeanor and. upon con.vict .on shall be fined, in any warn not to exceed 100®CO anal every day such ob 'ect remains in or on any street, alley , sidewalk, or p zbJ_ic property shal_1 const7_tu e a senry.rate and distinct offe:n.se and shalll_ be- treated a.s surh® i'a.ssed a.nrt. approved this th.r--, .3 day of l lovd 19 Attest® ity ecrc:tary Mayor, r . Ihlith no more business to a_t;ten.d to Cooney made a_ rnotiora to ad.I urn Acl er seconed t_t® I'siotion carried, Mayor (Y C-; C