11/17/1952-CC-Minutes-RegularNov 17, 1.952 The City Council rnet in. reg a.lar session on the above. date® Whose present were Mayor Bailey, `'o7:?nci_lmen. Perry, Cooper, Spratt, Johnson, and Acker. The minutes of U-ie previous meeting were read and accepted by the council_. mr Crarcl-a, the School PrIncipal,me-G with the couneal to see about gettl:ng a read light at the school crossing. After much discussion :it was agreed on. to Ymwrite to Austin and get their oppenion on the situation® Cooper made a motion to have Carter be at the School. Crossing at morning and. noon to bel.n the kids cross the street® Spratt seconed the motion® lot -Lon carried® TArith no more business to attend. to Acker made a motion -to ad.jurn Johnson seconed it® Notion carried® i Mayor Seca ----- — GARCIA SCHOOL PRINCIPAL RED LIGHT AT THE SCHOOL CROSSING