12/01/1952-CC-Minutes-RegularDec 1, 1952 The C:i_ty C%o lnc:i_1_met n re ,ula.r secs:i_or) or)rhe a.bo e d te. those present 0e I'la- or ','a. ley, Co))nci.I.rnen. Cooper, S?orat ;, Acker, Johanson find. Perry. 1'he m .n)ttes of the previo)7s rn.eeta nt}; were )he ), an-d acc,eptect i,i-)e council. 11. lc tter T>>r as read by i,hP )"ia;ror from th_e -% I .taay Dept® -in regardti t,o t 1e s0_gna.1_ 1_0 ;h t ct, the sebool crossing, 1'hcy saai-d. if the need for all?Tht were great eriougb they would out one there, but -they wu();gested that the cbool_ orga.i 2ze a school. boy pr- otr. _ of and to put n some sighs and maskers. TbPr Braid that this would be more effective tbah the light® Another letter was rc;ad. from the Li.ia;yr DeptO abo1,tt thc, nei T road. that is to be built in. the fL).tiire® Vlith no more busi_nep: to attend i-,o, heli-er made a. mot; on to ad jurna Cooper seconed it. Mohi on_ carried., 1 SIGNAL LIGHT AT SCHOOL CROSSING ORGANIZE A SCHOOL BOY PATROL