12/06/1952-CC-Minutes-RegularDec 6, 1952 STREET LIGHTING ARRANGEMENT PURCHASE THREE MORE LGIHTS ho 19j2 `Phe City Connell met 5_n z r session on. the a e date Close present were Mayor Bailey, Councilmen !Acker, Spratt and. Cooper® Duffy met with the Connell. to d scuss the ",t 1 :i. t :ing < rref;mcnt® After mueb discussion Sx>ra.tt made a motion to buy 3 more l _ghts® Acker seconed. the iaotiono Niori_on carried i, itb no more business to attend to j cke.r made a m-otion to ad jurn.a Spratt seconed i L. 1` Iotion carr_i-ed® Mayor I i'