02/16/1953-CC-Minutes-RegularFebruary 16, 1953 MR CLINE WATER TANK SERVICES COMPANY ADOPTION OF THE ELECTION ORDINANCE CALLING THE ELECTION TO BE HELD APRIL 7, 1953 TERMS EXPIRING - MAYOR HB BAILEY, COUNCILMEN COOPER, SPRATT, AND PERRY PUBLISHING FINANCIAL STATEMENT ,. City Council.. • • on were Mayor Bailey, Councilmen Spratt, Cooper, Ac The minutes of the previous meeting were read an MEN •,ove date*Those ker, Johnson and Perry. • accepted. Mr Cline, •m the Water Tank Service Co... Uouncil again Pegards • N • c • • • • accept the •0 • • . the tower as the con in t0 tract r %ie r P O i f ... - /, S r ` S' •'.' 1 : !' i • G ( 41 Pi. • f ri. a. . r j r, r" G ,. A/D " • i' fi.. i l r „ r. .. i' • r.. Y , .. f .. 1' .• • s, 4 a '. rfiA Q •. Al%. Y A . . 5 /' ' `i fi L r- •.. j r r • y,. t WOOF T61110006 l03' SA i ,* C t' ¢ r' rZ .• !' =`e. J' 7f ,: : .'. ii . r:. e. r for the purpose of calling an election to be held on t ' he first Tuesday in April, that • i • by • • of Mayorof idiley$ Councilmen Cobper,and Perry, ordinance was made possible by : motion madeby • • and seconed • r r • Spratt. Also included in this motion was that L. L. McNeill be appointed as Election • 'Motion carried. I •Tuesday1 ♦ .. • day of April for the purpose of electing a Mayor and three councilmen., these places c• • •ythe expiration of CMayorBailey, Councilmen Spratt, Cooper and,Perry. All canid ' ates who wish to run in the coming election must have their name submitted to the City Secretary on or before March 7. 1953. The notice is to • - run in the local • t 'the C®until ask that a finical statement be put in the local pa er sometime between the 1st and lath of March. 'The council agreed to put a8®50 add in the highschool Annual. With no more business to attend to, Acker made a motion to'adjurn. Spratt seconed it. Motion carried. See. n= Pill III pi