04/06/1953-CC-Minutes-RegularApril 6, 19 3 The City Councia_ met in regular session on the above date® T .ose present were Aia. ror B ,31ey, Councilmen Acker, Spratt, Cooper, Johnson, and Perrym The rnihutea of the previous meeting were road and accepted® The nonthley bills were read® Spratt made a. mot9_on to pay all b9.11s® Cooper seconed the motion® Motion carried® U, th no more business to attend to, Perry made a motion to adjure® Spratt seconed it ® Motion ca.rried.® i ia.y or Sec® April o, 1953 The City Council met in regular session on the abo re date® Those present were a.yor Bailey, Councilmen Acker, Spratt, Johnson, Perry and Cooper® The minute of the previous meeting were read and accepted® The votes from the previous elect i.on were counted and checked. by Acker and Johnson® Nlr Acker made a mots on -to accept the report From. the % lect nn Judge as being true and correct® Joh.ns n seconed the motion® Motion carried® Cooper made 10®00 per business to carried. a motion to raise Oscar Vaughan anal J P Hamptons salary month.® Perry seconed the motion® Motion carriedP' With rz© more attend to Acker made a motion to adjurne 'Spratf; seconed it® Niotio 4 , ` Mayor . Sec ® _ May 4 1g53 The City Council met in _r.egular sess9_on on the above date® Those present were I''Iayor Bailey, Councilmen Acker, Cooper, Spratt, Johnson and Perry® The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted.® The monthley bil _s were read Spratt made a motion to pay all bi11s® Perry seconed the motion® Motion carries nlith no more bus3 ness to attend. to, Acker made a motion to adjure® Johnson seconed it® Motion carried® Mayor Sec®