06/01/1953-CC-Minutes-Regular. June 1, 1953 The 'ity %ounci_1 met in regular session on the above date® Those pr. went were Mayor Bailey., ouncilmen Perry, Acker, Cooper and. Johnson ,and Spratt. The minutes of the previous meeting were _read and accepted.. The monthly bills NX were read. Perry made a motion to pay all bills. Johnson seconed the motion® Motion carried. Acker made a motion. to notify the Swift Co. Gin. at Valley View, Texas, that service to the 50HP motor they have installed would have to be discontinue. Perry seconed the. W motion. Motion carried. The Sec. is to notify Swift Rc Co. by letterat Ft. Worth, Texas. With no snore business to attend to, Acker made a motion to adjurn. Cooper seconed thernotion. otion carried. Mayor _ Sec. June 15, 01.953 Th.e C _ty Council. met in regular sess +.on on the above date. 'I'hosepresent were Mayor Dailey, Counc.lmen Spratt, Cooper, Acker, Perry and Johnson.. The minutes of the pre`-1-ous meeting were read and accepted. A letter was read read by the Sec. from Swift 8 Co Oil Mill at Ft. Worth, in regards to the 50 H P Eng)_ne they have installed in thel.r Gin. at Valley View, Texas. Johnson made a motion to start work irnrneciiatly on the little pity well to get .it :i.n shape to pump water this summer. Spratt suggested i ,hat the wel_1 be raised about 5 .ft. a.nd a new foundation be built under it. Acker secondd the raotion. Motion carried. Johnson.mad,e an motion. to move :Frank Guyers sewer line to a lower point on the main line and get it out of the m.a.n hole. Acker seconed the motion. I'loti on c^rried. ' wlth no more business to attend to, Acker made a motion to ad;jurn. Cooper seconed. it. Motion. carried. Mayor Sec. June 16, 1953 Cal_l.< Pieeta.ng `I"he C3_ty Co zncil net :%n a Call. sess_an. on the above date. Those present I`iayor B .il..ey, Counr.,a_lrnen Copper, !lckor, CoratIt, <:!ohn.son a.nd Derry® The motion of the 6o . s meet:_i-ng-= were read.-r (;eC . r Acker made a o accept