06/16/1953-CC-Minutes-Special June 16, 1953 Calls. T eet:i.ng 1'he City Council r Pt, in a Call_ sessi.on on 'the above datrTha>P present I`1a Tor B .iley, Councilmen Copper, Acker, `3nratt, ohnson. and Perry, '.I } e of tb ; Y `ao ri.aus meet,i_nf, were ..read. 1 (I < .c.c t =cis ^ AciTer made a motion ( Cont.® on page 31 ) w®rP m t.nt?tes to accept { June 16 , 195.E L[; i ng Cont'. ) the resignation of B. J. Ready as City Secretary. Perry seconed the rootion, Motion carried. 1vlr Acker made a motion t o heir Mr Clyde Wilson as City Sec. to replace Ready, his saltary being 11+250.00 oer month. Spratt seconed thernotion. Motion carried. Spratt made a motion to heir Mr J. B. Saylors at Gainesville to audit the books. Cooper seconed the motion. Motion carried. With no more business be attend to, Coot )er made a mrot,_on to ad jurn. Spratt seconed it. Motion carried.A M:ayc; ec.