07/07/1953-CC-Minutes-RegularJuly 7th 1953a The City Council. met in regular session on h.e abovedate. Those present were Mayor Bailey, Councilmen Spratt, Cooper, Johnson, Perry and Acker. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted. The meeting was visited by representatives of Swift & Co Gin'at Valley View for the purpose of discussing with the City officials about continuing the electric service to their 50 horse Motor at the gin , A motion was made by Spratt seconded by Cooper that City send an electriciankt;o Valley View to test voltage while Motor was being run and if found satisfactory would be glad b;o get their business . A motion was made by Spratt seconded by Acker that a lock be placed on the water outset at City Plant and keep key at Office and that water sold at the plant wasto be paid for in advance before an order was issued to the Plant operator to let customer have the water. Tie motion carried. A motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Spratt to charge ,y3.00 for turn on of lights water and gRx sewerage after the customer had been cut off from service. Motionn carried. The monthly'bills read and approved , motiod by Cooper and seconded by Johnson the bills be paid. Motion carried. A motion was made and seconded that w1605).60 be transferred from Light fund to Tax sinking fund to pay off Bonds #12®13 m34 tx; 35 including interest and. fee . Motion carried® There being no further business to d.iscull the meeting . m Mayor adjourned