07/20/1953-CC-Minutes-RegularJuly 20 1953 The City Council_ met in regular session on the above date. Those present were Mayor Bailey, Alderman. I)pra.tt,Cooper, Johnson, Perry and Acker. The minutes of the previ.orts meetinU were read and accepted® A motion was made bi Acker and seconded_ by Cooper the City accept the check for +1.0®13 from the Gabbil..l Estate for delinquent taxes from 1929 to 1952 inclusive or, lot 50.x210 in East Sanger. Motion c,arr.i_ed® A motion was made by Perry seconded by Cooper to have the Constable C®C®Carter mare monthly report on fines collected. In City limits to the City council. at the Ir regular meeting the first monday in each. month® The Motion carried. The City Council discussed with Mr Wendel Keith the needs of repairing the Valley View el.ectri.c lines and a motion was made Fooper seconded by Perry for Mr Keith to proceed with work and to order the necessary materials and employ the necessary labor to complete the ,fob® The motion carried_ A motion was made by Acker seconded by Terry to install meters where flat rate applied. ® not including the City Council or employees. Motion. carried .A motion i-,ras made by Cooper seconded by Johnson to employ Verg Brewer to work for City in Valley View, Brewer to look after the collection of Meter deposits and cut off readings and tunnon at a salary of ft5,00 per month. Motion carried'® A motion was made by Johnson seconded by Acker for the City to advertise for bids on ton Pickup with 6 ply tires a including a spare tire on side with a trade in of a 7.911.7 Chevrolet pickup 3/1 Ton® Motion carried® There being no further busi.ne, to att nd Johnson. made motion to a.d. journ, >c conded by c>p] att M i.o1j c rried® t hiA Mayor ' sec®