08/03/1953-CC-Minutes-RegularAUGUST 3, 1953 Mayor"Bailey Councilmen PerrypJohnsonoCopperAcker. ninutes of previous meeting were read and approvedp bills :toad • approved TradeBids were opened and read for the purchase of a wl ton pickup. the following bids were submitted to the Council price of • o.. Chevrolet ghich left a net price of • ! 00 less trade in of A ton Chevrolet 1947 Pickup i! their price on • was Less .fix in Nichold Motor C,o Valley View , straight Their bid with trade in of 1947 3/4 ton Im less trade in Net price carried,lohnson and Acker voting Perry & Cooper voting to break the tie voted with Johnso A motion was made and seconded tha) • : • There was some discussion about furnishing Sanger Gi nore power but a decision was made to talk the matter vo i • • R. ofSherman. • • • a withwith