10/05/1953-CC-Minutes-RegularON Ocober 5, 1953 'the City Council met in regular session on the above date. Those Present ere Mayor H.B. Bailey; Conncilmen Cooper, Perry, Johnson, and Spratt. The minuetes of the previous meeting was read and approved by the collincil. Ttonthly bills were read and approved® A motion by Cooper to pay the monthly bills was given and seconded by Perry. Motion carried. Amotion w .s given by Cooper to pay B.J. Read and Mary Hatchet, for preparing the tax statements and roll, a 1.00 per hoijr. Perry seconded the motion. Motion carried. Discussion was given on the City s electrical situation and also to have a representive from the BrazosElectric Power Co®Op Inc. at Waco, Texas to meet with the Council next meeting night October 199 1953, to diseuse the pos cTibility of connecting Tvi. th this electrical concern to furnish part of the electrical power for our city. *erry was to take Eftemotor to . na: + .. •. repairto K .o ; Q look at our other wells dmake necessary repairs. No further business, Spratt make a motion to adjourn, motion second® ed by Cooper, motion carried. Meetinp, adjourned. r see ary