10/19/1953-CC-Minutes-RegularOctober 19, 1953 The City Council met in regular session on the move date. Those present were Mayor Bailey, councilmen, Spratt, Cooper, Perry, Johnson, Acker. A new desk, chair, and typing table was displayed for the council, to put into the City Office. Mr. Kibler of Kilber Offi ce Supply of Denton displayed the furniture and gave the council the prices of each piece of offive egnipment as follows - Desk $135.30, Desk Chair $5c450 and typing table22.95. A motion made by Cooper, seconded by Johnson to buy furniture. Motion carried. Brazos B'lectric Power Co-op, Znc. of -Waco, Texas, representives Mr. Miller and Mr. Waide gave a discussion to the council about the advantages of connecting with them to furnish electrical power partly to the city. After discussion by Mr. Miller and Waide, the coucil decd.ed to have the Brazos Flectric coo to leave their contracts and information for our plant engineers to take the KW reading for a period. 15 days and let teem tell the council how much cheaper it would be to let Brazos hleettic furnish part of the electric power, than open ateing our engines full time. The plant engineers was to start taking these reading at 12*01 AM. the 27 Octobn 1953. and continue till 12000 Midnight November 11, 1953. A list of city's now using'Brazos Electric power, was left here in order we might contact tr,ese city's and get their XIN views on the use of power from this Company. City's now using Brazos power,arez Seymour, Weatherford, Granbvey, Garland, Mans® field, Caldwell, Bartlett, and Bryan Texas. Discussion was given by councilman Spratt and Acker about the possibilities of pumping rock into the city water well by a Mr. Gene `romilson to eliminate the well from pumping sand. The council decided to get Mr. Tomilson to pump the rock into the well. A call meeting was decided on. for the 23 of November 1953.to order to get the report of The Brazos Falectric Co. No further Business, the meeting adjourned. •