11/02/1953-CC-Minutes-RegularNOVEMBER 2, 1953 The City Uouncil met In I" • • • e>Mayor • ,♦and Perry, Lng read and approved. session gular on •♦ - Uateo Uleyj Councilmenp• • e minutes of - previous A d3.scu.ssion was given on the City I later well, tho amount of money it cost to clean well and pack with pea gravel. Also disbussion was given about the possiblities of getting the well at the Gin and Dr. Chapman's for next summer. The monthly bills were read and approved by the council. A motion by Cooper and seconded by Johnson to pay the bills, Motion XKffffUKNX carried. A report was given by the mayor onthe condition of the engines at the plant. Which was submitted to him by the Brazos Electric Engineer. Letters that were received from cities that are now using Brazos Ele ctric were read and discussed. A suggestion by Mr. Acker was given to the council to invite several bussiness men of the city to attend the next council meeeting and talk over the situation about our electrical_ system to them. Also Mr. Pennebaker was MKR to be asked to attend the meeting to give his views on the situation. The following business men were to be written inviting them to attend the meeting: J.L.Horst, T.C. Wilson, D.C. Gheen, C.R. Chapman, H.B. Toon, Harold Easley, L.L. McNeil, and Lacy Brown, and Bud fate, and Lloyd Buckalew. This meeting was to be the 16th of November 1953. No further b zsiness, Cooper made a motion to .adjourn, Spratt seconded the motion, motion carried, meet3_ng adjourned.