11/16/1953-CC-Minutes-RegularNovember 16, 1953 The City Council met in .regular session on the above date® Those presents weres Mayor Bailey, Councilmen, Cooper, Spratt, Acker, Johnson, and Perry. Nine business men and Mr. Pennebaker met with the council to discuss the possiblilites of connecting up with Brazos Electric to furnish power or to buy another engine for our plant® Mr. Pennebaker gave a discussion on the plant and answered questions about Brazos Electric and about buying an engine® All of the guest believed it was better to try to buy another engine than connecting; on with Brazos Electric® T?-ie guest was then dismissed® Mr® Pennebaker gave a list of parts that were needed for the Enterprise Engine to the council. A motion by Cooper and sedonded by Perry to buy these parts for the engine® Motion carried® • ♦ • Y • • L • ! • • • • • • L 3tandard for testing watt hour meters. Motion carried. Mr Pennebaker 3uggested type and kind to buy, and was left with secretary, A motion by Cooper and seconded by Johnson to write Bravos Eledtric and tell them we are not interested in their proposition at the present time, and tell them if we owe them anything for the service they rendered to let us know. Motion Carried® The co _ ncil. decided to install a electric meterron the Texan Theater instead of a. flat rate bill each month as it has been done before. No further business meeting adjourned®