12/07/1953-CC-Minutes-RegularDECEMBER 7, 1953 ThoseThe City Council met in regular session on flie above Me* presents Mayor Baileyo Councilmenp• •Spratto kokers Johnsonq and Perry. The minutes of the previous meet ing read • and • • ... • • . by Cooper tolp&y bills. Motion carried. The audit report was read and approved by the council. The monthly bills were read a motion by Spratt and seconded Discussion,was given on installing a time`A for city employees to,punch in m d out each day they work so as to have a record of the days worked and days off. A motion by Cooper and seconded by Johnson for secretaryto workout .. for ". employee to sign in L • out • + so as to keep up with C days worked and days not worked. Each employee is entitled to lodays off each year and all over this 1,4,working days off he will be docked for each day taken off after that* This will go into effect flashing Highway Department en d the Gulf Colorado and Sanka Fe Railroad for the railroad to install a signal light at the, qrossing on Pilot Point Highway.• • of ordiance is attached* A, motion by Acker and seconded by Perry to pass this ordiance, motion carried* Passed at 8,wOO P,M# on December•53- :: • • z OL 17 .'OL _ •V VT - gone down and they need the water for h6usehold use or to wat their stock, and this is to be done only for a few dayso And when we sell thewater it will cost{+ 00 per thousand .•. • gallons. knd this is to be okfed and collected forby the City Secretar before they get the water* Motion Carried* e "` • • T H : • " %.. ' • it • ... i get water for the city needs from this well Dr. Chapman wants only for the city to furnish him water from the wello for the use of it for the city, Secretary is to write A*Y6 McDonald Mfg* co. to have their representative to come and survey the well and the)V meet with c council December21, 1953s • discuss the type of pump to be used for this well. Their representive to meet with Tumilson when makingsurvey.