12/21/1953-CC-Minutes-RegularDECEMBER 21, 1953 regular. on the above Vhdse presents were: Coun'i men,, Cooper,, Acke Spratt, and Johnson. 'The minutes of the previous iieeting were read and approved by the council. o write Mre Kimbell of Kimbbll Mill sa d Elevator Co., and ask f the city could use the old well at the Gin for a standby upply of water. Motion carried. • open the office during week • S ` ! • • clos,4 t 500 P*M* And to take the lunch hour between 11:30 A.M. Discussiag was given on'the amount of bonds to be paid off this year by the secretary® kssessor Guide Book for the year of 19 1,