01/18/1954-CC-Minutes-RegularThoseThe City Council met ib regular session on the above CaLat present wereof Mayor• c Councilmen, Ackery and Perry. Mr. Conners and Pennebaker were guest. I Discussion wagivenby •- .•. • size engine to buy for plantsand -:• that we hw c for 0 e discussed also. an engine at this times Types of Engines wer A motion by Cooper, seconded by Spratt for a list of business men to meet with ^councl next . • night with Mro Conners to explain what sizes type of engine we need for our plant# to the business mens and how we can buy this engine. •AaLO 6- •west • R f • • : • is for th additional engine at the,plants, and a water well for next summer.. and also about laying a water and sewer ld)ne in the partof bmunder the new highway before co•starts on c new highway by the highway • ♦ ^•c - - • is - • - . • ' : •• Nationalthe Valley View Bank to the Light Fund in the Sanger Bank y • to transfer • from City of Sanger Special Account, and: 90 from Fire Truck Fund % City of 6anger to the Water Fund in the SanCler iq he monthly'b, I ill I s totaling $2..151.72 were read and approved. A motion by.Cooper a I rid s,e,conddd by Perry to Jay the bills, motion carried. A motion was made and passed to apply Calvin liarberson labor wages on the Texas Theaters bills® There willi-be a 6 % interest penalty on all delinquent taxes® A motion was &p& and passed for the secretary to send cut off iW41 IS cuthis bill down to 50.00 or he will be cut off# and bill to be cut down to $100.00 or be cut • No further business meetingadjourned.