02/01/1954-CC-Minutes-Regulart. r f I? IIIIII111111 • .. t s 1 • t • ... ^ ... ii ♦. the Valley View National Bank to the Light Fund in the Sanger Bank k1so to transfer r M from City of - - Gr Special Account,• from Fire Truck Fund % City of Sanger to the Water Fund in the Sanrier 5 Y Ij'he monthly'bills .totaling 92,151.72 were read and approved. A motion by,,. Cooper aril seconded by Perry to pay the bills, motion carried. A motion was made and passed to apply Calvin liar)verson labor wages on the Texan Theater's bills. There will be a 6 % interest penalty on all delinquent taxes. A motion was &%qa and passed for the secretary to send cut off 11 5111 11 novo •sr-• Uayso ExcepToY, Uary As cuthis bill down to •f or t will be cut off,s bill to be cut down to 0100.00 or Otwill t cut off No further business meeting adjourned.