03/15/1954-CC-Minutes-RegularCouncilThe City date. • - present DallasPerry, and Johnson, sessionAt In a xa-EXc regular on •. MayorlVere Bailey,, •Cooper,, • .. • Mr. Elliotof ^ •. and Mr. Medanichof • • • 617STITT TUT urie • ifas reall.• _ Elliot7 • discussed bythe council:... • then approved. Bids were to be advertised in t he Sanger Courier March and April 1, 1954 for an engine® Bids were to opened April 5, 1954 by the Council® A resolution adapting the results of the Bond election was passed bythe council, which is attached. A motion by Cooper and seconded by Johnson to transfer the present reserve fund now at the Mercantile National Bank to the new reserve fund for the new issue of $151,000.00 Bonds, motion carried. Discussion was given on the possibilities of digging anew water wells for the city® • - to •.electricity next Wj few years if an agrvement• • be worked out between Companies.The City and the Oil into further byt he Oil Companies and The Council. No further business council adjournedm R