03/24/1954-CC-Minutes-SpecialMARCH 24, 1954 rffeUlty uouncil! on t • ate. Those present were Mayor Bailey,,Councilmen, Cooper, cker,, Johnson,Perry, And as 6 guest of • Gene Tumilson•. ity for the • • summer, offered to dig the ell after showing the ccuncil• • 'I Major Moorelswell +4i which showed• about 800 too 850 feet IT This well if dug tot he trinity would not interf er other wells now at the plant we are using. al • • per! • ...• r • ... )n the now • totalk this• C nd see if they could get this well dug a little cheaper. ,Perry make a motion for the city to Go 1/3 of the cost n the Fire Departments new uniforms, J n hnson seconded the otion, r • motion carried.